Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tips for Chemical Storage

Some of the world’s worst known tragedies have occurred because of chemical and oil spills. Be it the Chernobyl disaster, Bhopal Gas Tragedy, or the 1991 Iran and Iraq war, epic casualties have occurred because of oil spills and lapse in chemical storage facilities.  Chemical leakage can happen at your home as well because of the presence of cleaning agents and acids. If not stored under proper conditions, they can cause a lot of problem and can lead to conditions as serious as death. 

To ensure safety for all, here are some commonly followed tips:
·         Check whether the container which holds chemicals, oils or acids is intact and nowhere damaged, cracked or rusty. If there’s any such instance, please replace the container with another one of the same material. It will help in spill control.

·         There shouldn’t be excessive storage of chemicals in your firm, laboratory or home. If there’s a need to keep lots of it, hire a storage facility where you can safely store these items. Storing chemicals at your work place or home should strictly be avoided.
·         Always keep oil spill kits  in your possession. Spill kits contain absorbent which is very effective in absorbing the spill. 

·         Also, if your work involves regular dealing with chemicals and oils, you should undergo a special training. Lots of oil spill response training sessions take place which teach you how to cope up with dangerous situations.
Last but not the least, make sure you’ve a proper disposal facility.

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